
Sunday, January 11, 2015

The sister he call us to be

Who he calls us to be

Our call to femininity

I recently read a wonderful article written by Sarah Bryant of KBR it filled me with zeal and greatly encouraged me to strive for  God's calling for us young ladies to be Meek , Quite, Feminine lives.
I greatly thank Ms. Bryant for her very encouraging article , I would also encourage you to check out the rest of their website and consider there magazine !:) 


My name is Hannah and I'm 13 , The time from being a little girl into a young lady and woman can be a confusion and difficult especially in a biblical perspective from Modesty, Purity, Godly relationships between brothers in the church , father daughter relationships, Home keeping ,etc...  
So join me on the sacred journey to Godly, Biblical, Womanhood :)